RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interferon response inversely determines severity of C19: https://t.co/9j9Gq59pIp Interventional vegan diet increases interferon in subjects: h
"Individuals following plant-based diets & plant-based diets or pescatarian diets that were higher in vegetables, legumes and nuts, and lower in poultry and red and processed meats, had 73% and 59% lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19, respectivel
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
παλαιότερη μελέτη ΒΜJ 2021: ΟΙ ΦΥΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΙΤΕΣ ΕΙΧΑΝ 73% ΛΙΓΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΠΙΘΑΝΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ ΕΩΣ ΣΟΒΑΡΗΣ ΑΣΘΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΟΒΙΝΤ άρθρο: https://t.co/C2fdv6y58Y πηγή μελέτης BMJ 30/6/21: https://t.co/LgqBeROe0F
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
Interesting results, showing that Plant Based eaters are at lower risk of moderate-severe COVID. But I would want to see these results replicated in other studies, before I draw any personal conclusions. Regardless, stay up to date with your vaccinations
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
RT @CoronaHeadsUp: @EricTopol 2021 study: Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study…
RT @VeganCardio: Die Ergebnisse müssen mir die Vegan-Kritiker mal erklären: Warum haben ausgerechnet Veganer:innen mildere Verläufe? Wir mü…
Nicht überraschend: wer schneidet wohl am besten ab? Der tolle Nebeneffekt Tierleid und Umweltzerstörung Scheisse zu finden, nennt sich Gesundheit.
RT @CoronaHeadsUp: @EricTopol 2021 study: Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study…
RT @CoronaHeadsUp: @EricTopol 2021 study: Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study…
@EricTopol 2021 study: Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/wsrmP7MNU1
RT @UrviShahMD: @tmprowell @EricTopol Many possible mechanisms @tmprowell - lower BMI, DM & inflammation, improved innate immunity and micr…
RT @UrviShahMD: @tmprowell @EricTopol Many possible mechanisms @tmprowell - lower BMI, DM & inflammation, improved innate immunity and micr…
2/4 Plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 @sara_seidelmann @EricTopol https://t.co/iH416cKUu2
@tmprowell @EricTopol Many possible mechanisms @tmprowell - lower BMI, DM & inflammation, improved innate immunity and microbiome. 2 more studies show consistent findings, its not the only one - https://t.co/jvt3MbkmBD & https://t.co/iH416cKUu2
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
@tmprowell @EricTopol Here is one I remember: https://t.co/CLFUNFpKH5
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…
@EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries. https://t.co/M0qkao1mRa
RT @RogerSeheult: @stereomatch2 @drbeen_medical @DrSyedHaider @drakchaurasia @DarrellMello @Aguirre1Gustavo @SabinehazanMD I'd re-look at t…
@stereomatch2 @drbeen_medical @DrSyedHaider @drakchaurasia @DarrellMello @Aguirre1Gustavo @SabinehazanMD I'd re-look at the diet plan based on this study in part: https://t.co/M0qkao1mRa
@Cannabis_Cane @FLDad219 No way mate 1st bad trip I heard about was in Thailand RIP Even tho studies say: psilocybin works better than antidepressants &🚫c**ID Like cannabis👇 Lack of ergo=causing mental health😛 https://t.co/Uq7Vhya5kS Big ag uprooted s
Vegans 73% less likely to get seriously ill. By contrast, those who ate a low-carbohydrate and high-protein diet appeared to be more likely to get seriously ill as a result of the virus. More likely than the standard diet... 🤪 https://t.co/Eqy8mjiJev
RT @JimCameron: The British Medical Journal just published research showing plant based diets reduce severe covid disease by 73%! A peer re…
Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/2tE68Azrwj via @sara_seidelmann et al
RT @RogerSeheult: Which diet protects from severe covid? Study looking at nurses and physicians diets working in COVID environment. Plant…
RT @RogerSeheult: Which diet protects from severe covid? Study looking at nurses and physicians diets working in COVID environment. Plant…
RT @RogerSeheult: Which diet protects from severe covid? Study looking at nurses and physicians diets working in COVID environment. Plant…
RT @RogerSeheult: Which diet protects from severe covid? Study looking at nurses and physicians diets working in COVID environment. Plant…
RT @RogerSeheult: Which diet protects from severe covid? Study looking at nurses and physicians diets working in COVID environment. Plant…
Which diet protects from severe covid? Study looking at nurses and physicians diets working in COVID environment. Plant based was clear outlier. Hard to state healthy user as many diets claimed were healthy fad diets including low carb high protein/fat. h
@LisaJ4Liberty Yes. But nothing is 100% https://t.co/M0qkao1mRa
@DrSuneelDhand This one might just be in bounds: Study: Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/YJNhMPB6n2
@k_farsalinos Μελέτη BMJ: ΟΙ ΦΥΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΙΤΕΣ ΕΙΧΑΝ 73% ΛΙΓΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΠΙΘΑΝΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ-ΣΟΒΑΡΗΣ ΑΣΘΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΟΒΙΝΤ Αντίθετα δίαιτες χαμηλής περιεκτικότητας σε υδατάνθρακες, υψηλής περιεκτικότητας σε πρωτεΐνες είχαν 48% περισσότερες πιθανότητες να έχουν μέτρια-σ
@realDaveFeldman Yes, they also did this in doctors and nurses. All interested in healthy behavior. Those had low carb were doing it for health and those plant based same. Results: https://t.co/YJNhMPB6n2
RT @jwkei: 6か国での調査で、菜食者は73%、魚菜食者は59%コロナ感染で中~重症化するリスクが低く、低炭水化物高蛋白質食ではリスクが3.86倍だって。私はPBWFに切り替えて3年目、まじで軽い風邪すら一度もひかない。https://t.co/lpTBojUEtE
@Khyraen God bless you too! And peace be with you. FYI plant foods contain the phytonutrients and antioxidants which support a healthy immune system. FYI we have studies indicating a shocking benefit. Plant-based diet reduced severity greatly compared to o
@FinanceLancelot Here's something that might actually help. "In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe C
@eric_spitz @newscientist Still waiting mate https://t.co/ZW78SpXNDx
@dtd1985 @theproof I see 😅 "plague" - funny choice of words? "Those who ate a low-carbohydrate and high-protein diet appeared to be more likely to get seriously ill as a result of the virus." https://t.co/Eqy8mjiJev
eat what you want and just move on /stop the hate/ boring bashing 🥩🥩🥩
RT @agargmd: You know what’s funny. On the whole in a study if health professionals those who had high meat diets had a higher risk of covi…
You know what’s funny. On the whole in a study if health professionals those who had high meat diets had a higher risk of covid complications and those on plant based much lower. Science is weird like that. I had covid 3x and no hospitalizations. No vax.
@TheodoreLytras @dimitrisnatsios Άλλος δρόμο σας ενοχλεί να διαλέξουμε;Μελέτη BMJ: ΟΙ ΦΥΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΙΤΕΣ ΕΙΧΑΝ 73% ΛΙΓΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΠΙΘΑΝΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ-ΣΟΒΑΡΗΣ ΑΣΘΕΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΟΒΙΝΤ Αντίθετα οι δίαιτες χαμηλής περιεκτικότητας σε υδατάνθρακες, υψηλής περιεκτικότητας σε πρ
RT @exosome: Wow vegans and pescatarian get less severe #COVID19 https://t.co/gIMm5ugDck
RT @exosome: Wow vegans and pescatarian get less severe #COVID19 https://t.co/gIMm5ugDck
RT @balinoruo: What?!
Wow vegans and pescatarian get less severe #COVID19 https://t.co/gIMm5ugDck
Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case-control study in six countries https://t.co/fk3cRTBlvg
@ElieJarrougeMD I'd be careful: https://t.co/M0qkao1mRa
RT @RogerSeheult: "Compared with participants who reported following ‘plant-based diets’, those who reported following ‘low carbohydrate, h…
RT @RogerSeheult: "Compared with participants who reported following ‘plant-based diets’, those who reported following ‘low carbohydrate, h…
RT @RogerSeheult: "Compared with participants who reported following ‘plant-based diets’, those who reported following ‘low carbohydrate, h…
"Compared with participants who reported following ‘plant-based diets’, those who reported following ‘low carbohydrate, high protein diets’ had greater odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 (OR 3.86, 95% CI 1.13 to 13.24)." https://t.co/M0qkao1mRa
@toadmeister Research evidence shows vegans, vegetarians & pescatarians are healthier & live longer. Also a study in 6 countries showed plant-based or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. https://t.co/Tc
Vegans safer from COVID? https://t.co/AxIEG0O3w7
@Sarabeth607 @NjbBari3 I did! “many studies” - here’s another one. I can’t help you with your comprehension. Furthermore, if you talk to clinicians who are treating Cov, they’ll tell you likewise! https://t.co/Jh4IvQw8vu
Why #GoVegan re: COVID? Participants who reported following ‘plant-based diets’ had 73% lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 severity. https://t.co/xzUJDhA8Zj
RT @JimCameron: The British Medical Journal just published research showing plant based diets reduce severe covid disease by 73%! A peer re…
“In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19.” https://t.co/0pyaZkpD44
@pasdedeuxproj Research on plant-based diets, pescatarian diets & COVID-19 severity https://t.co/VbrHc6zW7O https://t.co/uhwdY7H1pq https://t.co/heazFmGwEP Search Dr G’s guide: DIET Search Google: coffee inflammatory OR inflammation More here for
@SteveCJjones @suesustainable In fact various studies show that plant-based diets reduce the risks of developing covid, or severe covid: https://t.co/wLuHftpYLu https://t.co/Y1EiPbTZDG https://t.co/6EugRnRf7K https://t.co/iyMYmyThGx https://t.co/nEYaF3teP
@IsDatEchtZo5 @BorgerPieter @MarionKoopmans @mkeulemans Als zinc een causale rol zou spelen moet je eens kijken in welke groepen zinc deficiency een rol speelt.. bijv vegetariers en ontwikkelings landen. Deze zouden dan een hogere covid last moeten hebben.
@_mbdr_ - Eat less poultry, red & processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, alcohol - Avoid things made w high fructose corn syrup. 28:25 to 33:30: https://t.co/MdAuY2mG9B https://t.co/VbrHc6zW7O https://t.co/5JfeAcj9Gy https://t.co/aDsqULkt6I h
@DmarePierre @DrAseemMalhotra @RetsefL @elonmusk Wonder if @DrAseemMalhotra has read the interesting first study (which is nothing to do with vaccines & was completed well before vaccine availability) https://t.co/ks6oBsfDnD
@BRON8K @GeeGee23 @DrEliDavid Except meat consumption wasn’t a factor for preventing COVID transmission. In fact vegetarians were just as likely to catch COVID as meat eaters https://t.co/U97tyDAHnl
@Lorenz_Jac @1goodtern Study: Healthcare workers with substantial exposure to COVID-19 patients who reported following ‘plant-based diets’ had 73% lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 https://t.co/r36gzTafKf
@1goodtern yes, but the odds ratios for moderate to severe covid in HCW, dramatically show that there is something we can do about reducing our risk. Plants lower acid, protein increases acid, and covid loves and makes acid. Or, maybe God Loves Vegans. htt
Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/W3Ed4NkGQf [ case control design limits inferences ]
@LesserMegadeath @JTayScience @NewshubNZ Here's a bigger sample size for you - plant based diets associated with a 73% reduced risk of severe covid: https://t.co/J6CBIcVGhc
@SaskiaPopescu For HCW 95% MDs low carb diet had 49% higher risk of severe covid, compared to std diet. Plant based 72% less than std diet. Low carb 5 fold risk of long covid vs plant based. https://t.co/QWsB2P8kZD https://t.co/k2mzWWUaBa
@Dingo_Roberts I was being somewhat facetious, but not really. https://t.co/LfwJcVGBI0 https://t.co/OOuOxhPDRL
RT @GeorgiaEdeMD: Excellent, succinct rebuttal of the "plant-based diets protect against severe COVID-19" argument made in this recent @bmj…
@SBakerMD Vegetables are mostly ignored by intrests that wish to push the livestock industry. For example, this study was ignored during Covid. Plants boost the immune system. https://t.co/3mSg4mUmXJ
@SBakerMD This study was also ignored. Shows a strong protection against severe Covid-19 outcome on a plant-based diet compared to the popular animal rich LCHF-diet. https://t.co/3mSg4mUmXJ
@afshineemrani This study was also ignored. Shows a strong protection against severe Covid-19 outcome on a plant-based diet compared to the popular animal rich LCHF-diet. https://t.co/3mSg4mUmXJ
@P_McCulloughMD @afshineemrani This study was also ignored. Shows a strong protection against severe Covid-19 outcome on a plant-based diet compared to the popular animal rich LCHF-diet. https://t.co/3mSg4mTP8b
@DrEliDavid Or to be silenced in mainstream media like this study was: https://t.co/3mSg4mUmXJ
@TimRunsHisMouth This study that came out during the pandemic was totally ignored by the media. Showed a 73% lower odds of severe covid on a plant-based diet. People who ate a LCHF-diet showed an almost 4-fold increased risk of severe covid. https://t.co/3
@rivcohealthdir1 @rivcohealthpio Why don’t you spread the word on treating root causes instead of relying on side effect filled pharmaceuticals? https://t.co/tNttPlT28M
@VascoN95 @morganstephensa Fill in the blanks with his more recent videos https://t.co/g8bffos23e https://t.co/Vgw5j7ZzNX https://t.co/kIQ2HpAWj5 https://t.co/WRsw1DQTWx https://t.co/QF7T9V9cy0 https://t.co/VbrHc6RwZm https://t.co/FkE8ANfWwa https://t.co/
@Jacqui_Yeol @Veganella_ I eat plant proteins. I grow soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, amaranth, wheat and quinoa. I've provided you with the Covid-19 source on two occasions now. You've failed to open the links. https://t.co/gjBGc1q2rp