#Plantbased diets, pescatarian diets and #COVID19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/TgPpT9DDBw
Plant-based (vs. meat) diets predict less severe #COVID19 infection, across 6 countries https://t.co/Sin5M6hk6Z
It’s time to add a new line to our public health messages on COVID-19: Wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands, get vaccinated, and eat a whole-food plant-based diet! https://t.co/kpdSEeG2Ac
RT @gruntvegan: For anyone not yet vegan, here is another reason to stop eating #meat, #dairy + #eggs. Study confirms that a plant-based d…
RT @gruntvegan: For anyone not yet vegan, here is another reason to stop eating #meat, #dairy + #eggs. Study confirms that a plant-based d…
RT @gruntvegan: For anyone not yet vegan, here is another reason to stop eating #meat, #dairy + #eggs. Study confirms that a plant-based d…
Solid!!! Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/0KkOoj9NCX
RT @gruntvegan: For anyone not yet vegan, here is another reason to stop eating #meat, #dairy + #eggs. Study confirms that a plant-based d…
RT @gruntvegan: For anyone not yet vegan, here is another reason to stop eating #meat, #dairy + #eggs. Study confirms that a plant-based d…
For anyone not yet vegan, here is another reason to stop eating #meat, #dairy + #eggs. Study confirms that a plant-based diet can "lower odds of severe #COVID-19 like illness" by as much as 73%. https://t.co/vxy62mATCq
RT @veganuary: Woah! 😲🌱 Going vegan could cut the risk of severe coronavirus complications by 73%, according to a new study by Stamford Ho…
It's funny when bloggesr tweet without reading the source they cite. Nowhere does the word VEGAN appear in the source material. It's Plant based and pescatarian diets, not plant exclusive, they specifically say the plant based ones are "/Lower/ in poultry
RT @veganuary: Woah! 😲🌱 Going vegan could cut the risk of severe coronavirus complications by 73%, according to a new study by Stamford Ho…
RT @plantbasedhpuk: It’s about time #plantbased diets had some positive coverage in the news. This time based on a study showing plant base…
RT @BalancedHealth1: In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-1…
In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19. #plantbased https://t.co/fL97x7olaf
RT @veganuary: Woah! 😲🌱 Going vegan could cut the risk of severe coronavirus complications by 73%, according to a new study by Stamford Ho…
RT @veganuary: Woah! 😲🌱 Going vegan could cut the risk of severe coronavirus complications by 73%, according to a new study by Stamford Ho…
Woah! 😲🌱 Going vegan could cut the risk of severe coronavirus complications by 73%, according to a new study by Stamford Hospital in Connecticut which has been published in The BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health. (Source: https://t.co/JqrfwQQwma) https
@_captainscience @PhilHaresGhost @One_Angry_Chef This is the paper: https://t.co/vYfuCQsB8S
"Compared with those who followed plant-based diets, those who followed low carbohydrate, high protein diets had >3-fold higher odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19." https://t.co/XizDesOk4g
RT @plantbasedhpuk: It’s about time #plantbased diets had some positive coverage in the news. This time based on a study showing plant base…
Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/isMID6p14n
RT @plantbasedhpuk: It’s about time #plantbased diets had some positive coverage in the news. This time based on a study showing plant base…
It’s about time #plantbased diets had some positive coverage in the news. This time based on a study showing plant based diets associated with reduced COVID19 severity. Fully accept it’s not a robust study design but it’s a sound hypothesis. https://t.co/J
Participants from six countries who reported following ‘plant-based diets’ and ‘plant-based diets or pescatarian diets’ had 73% and 59% lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 severity.https://t.co/NnforfiK0u
Interesting @BMJ piece - In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19. #vegetarian #PlantBasedEating
野菜ベースの食事をしていればコロナ重症化になる事をかなり防げるという待ちに待った論文 https://t.co/YJFM25heK6 #ベジタリアン #ヴィーガン #ペスカタリアン
@zoeharcombe Have you seen this? https://t.co/9XLEVbvYLB
#Plant-based #diets, #pescatarian diets and #COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries | BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health https://t.co/Zl8uuL8w33
In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe #covid19 #plantbaseddiets #research https://t.co/vIij75XsnL
@CovidSolidarit1 Here's the source: https://t.co/elt4PE8S9Q
RT @bmj_company: Plant-based and pescatarian diets may help lower the odds of developing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, suggest the…
RT @bmj_company: Plant-based and pescatarian diets may help lower the odds of developing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, suggest the…
Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries https://t.co/HqPpZRcJLb
RT @bmj_company: Plant-based and pescatarian diets may help lower the odds of developing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, suggest the…
RT @bmj_company: Plant-based and pescatarian diets may help lower the odds of developing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, suggest the…
RT @BoAlgers: Mycket intressant om diet och Covid: https://t.co/hkzHlqabcz
RT @bmj_company: Plant-based and pescatarian diets may help lower the odds of developing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, suggest the…
Plant-based and pescatarian diets may help lower the odds of developing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, suggest the findings of a six-country study, published in @BMJNutrition https://t.co/uZapysbqr4
@EmilBergholtz The study does not include the variants unfortunately. Link below. It is from last fall. Still quite interesting. I have been pescatarian for some time for environmental and animal treatment issues. Watch an old movie called Earthlings from
RT @IvorGoodbody: "In 6 countries, plant-based or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe #COVID19 [73% & 5…
RT @andymartinink: "In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19…
RT @BoAlgers: Mycket intressant om diet och Covid: https://t.co/hkzHlqabcz
RT @andymartinink: "In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19…
"In six countries, plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19." I'm just saying...https://t.co/upudE9MzQo
Πρόσφατη επιστημονική έρευνα σε 6 χώρες εξάγει το συμπέρασμα ότι οι χορτοφάγοι (vegeterians/vegans) και οι ψαροφάγοι (pescatarians) έχουν από 59% εως 73% μικρότερο κίνδυνο βαριάς νόσησης από covid-19 σε σχέση με τους κρεατοφάγους: https://t.co/Th8OJKPHhD
Här är studien. Det är alltså en enkätundersökning. https://t.co/INTASdLZSx
Вегатерианская диета снижает риск серьезного течения ковида на 60%. Блин, даж так не избавлюсь от мартышки! https://t.co/93mM93slfj
Mycket intressant om diet och Covid: https://t.co/hkzHlqabcz
Vegeterijanska hrana štiti od covida jer je bolja za imunitet. https://t.co/HY54Ep0iyO
“Conclusion: plant-based diets or pescatarian diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary patterns may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19.” https://t.co/vWJ8khOcyH
Bli vegetarianer, alltså! Blir intressant att se uppföljningar på den här, ändå rätt stora skillnader i risk. https://t.co/R3IuCTWept
Som altid med disse studier er det svært at udelukke andre faktorer, men forskerne har taget højde for bl.a. etnicitet, BMI, livsstil og etnicitet. Sidste år udkom et andet studie, der også fandt en lignende sammenhæng. Link til det nye: https://t.co/ldgiL
RT @GidMK: 2/n The study is here, and fun for a quick read. Basically, a group of researchers surveyed healthcare workers in July-Sept 2020…
2/n The study is here, and fun for a quick read. Basically, a group of researchers surveyed healthcare workers in July-Sept 2020 and asked them stuff about their diet and COVID https://t.co/vUQZ3SDzBK