estic llegint unes coses #forreasons i m'he trobat amb aquest article científic que diu que els saxofonistes moren més a sovint de malalties pulmonars amb un títol que sincerament mereix ser compartit
And about that...
超オモロイ論文。サックス奏者は他の楽器やボーカルに比べて短命!脳血管の再灌流と全身の循環呼吸をやりまくりのおれ超危険😂 『現実の世界は辛く悲しい出来事も多いが音楽は一時的にでもそこからより高い世界へ』(ソニー・ロリンズ) 瞑想スピ系の彼は91歳没 EZ健康道場
@linen_mi サックス奏者は短命って報告がありますねw
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians
Hahaha Jesus “some factors related to mortality (smoking and alcohol intake, for example) were not controlled for.”
Hypothesis generating study: Is rock music better for sax players? Anecdotal evidence: Clarence Clemons, who played for Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, lived to age 69
From the National Institutes of Health.
RT @MarkkuPeltonen: On the topic of health and music, I recommend this excellent piece of research on mortality of jazz musicians "Unsafe s…
I have missed these amazing findings that jazz sax players have increased mortality (reported 20 y ago). I have doubts about the generalizability of the results. Mean survival of sax players only 40 y, and other musicians 60 y! Confounding factors? Better
On the topic of health and music, I recommend this excellent piece of research on mortality of jazz musicians "Unsafe sax", especially saxophone players (ping @juhaniknuuti 😎). I love the acknowledgments and the way competing interests has been handled. h
And who said scientists had no sense of humour? Love the acknowledgements: We acknowledge all those famous jazz musicians who laid down their lives for the sake of a long-drawn solo. 😂
RT @PonderosaMstrys: This BMJ pub is hilarious: "these measures went through extensive validation procedures: 100% of the authors' friend…
RT @PonderosaMstrys: This BMJ pub is hilarious: "these measures went through extensive validation procedures: 100% of the authors' friend…
RT @PonderosaMstrys: This BMJ pub is hilarious: "these measures went through extensive validation procedures: 100% of the authors' friend…
RT @PonderosaMstrys: This BMJ pub is hilarious: "these measures went through extensive validation procedures: 100% of the authors' friend…
This BMJ pub is hilarious: "these measures went through extensive validation procedures: 100% of the authors' friends who were asked their opinions on these measures agreed that they were a “good” or a “very good” idea." #Musicology #MedTwitter #Academi
"Too much sax"
Unsafe sax is dangerous; do not forget about that.
@kakape @cschrader_eu @buddepiept Nein, aber...
RT @svennevenn: Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians, Kinra S, et al. 99
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians
疫学:ジャズ・サックス奏者は寿命が短い。 Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians
med journal editors have short terms @Richard56 @RetractionWatch Reminds me of @bmj_latest on sax player mortality
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on mortality of jazz musicians @ndanielmusic @LimelightEd
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on mortality of jazz musicians @ndanielmusic @LimelightEd
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on mortality of jazz musicians @ndanielmusic @LimelightEd
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on mortality of jazz musicians @ndanielmusic @LimelightEd
@NohaFekry @PetrofWilliam @Amicibar unsafe sax, mortality of saxophone players:
One of the major reasons for mortality among Sax players is breathing too much smoke in smoky bars:(
Unsafe Sax
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians | BMJ
Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians | BMJ
Who knew too much sax was so bad for you RT @NAChristakis
Here is an old @bmj_latest Christmas favorite ("impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians")
Here is an old @bmj_latest Christmas favorite ("impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians")
Here is an old @bmj_latest Christmas favorite ("impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians")
@rpettinato viste esto?, los saxofonistas tienen mayor índice de mortalidad que cualquier otro músico:
Los saxofonistas tienen mayor índice de mortalidad que cualquier otro músico:
Unsafe Sax: Cohort Study of the Impact of Too Much Sax on the Mortality of Famous Jazz Musicians