RT @clerenlas: @dorizinn @DKThomp The source is the British Medical Journal. Paper here https://t.co/yIIy2uMaNV. Authors affiliated w…
👉See thread/responses to this tweet with numerous langauge versions of this important chart.
"2メートルか1メートル:covid-19での物理的な距離の証拠は何ですか? " #医療 #医療AI #AI #論文 #機械学習 #Medical #MedicalAI https://t.co/LstqRBeNWx
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
Como avaliar locais que podem ser de grande (vermelho), médio (amarelo) e pequena (verde) possibilidade de se contaminar com a Covid-19. Site super esclarecedor sobre a Covid-19. Caso não consiga entender clique em traduzir no seu celular. Fonte: https://
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: @FergalBowers @GabrielScally *WHO July https://t.co/4H2Nt5nPY3 *BMJ Aug https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC *Lancet May https://t.co…
A really useful article for those considering a return to face to face work. Well worth a read. https://t.co/bPDN1fgIB8
@Musicaypaz501 @JuanGrvas @MiguelDlaCamara @fcojavier63 Muy en serio usted no va, de eso ya me había dado cuenta. No se preocupe, aquí tiene https://t.co/LJnDYb2zVf
RT @GatellAnna: Interesantes recomendaciones graduadas que reflejan los múltiples factores que se combinan para determinar el riesgo de tra…
RT @CIBSE_NatVent: This is a very useful figure on assessing risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission Full article in bmj https://t.co/MlzHPCQvML
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
@FergalBowers @GabrielScally *WHO July https://t.co/4H2Nt5nPY3 *BMJ Aug https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC *Lancet May https://t.co/FH0coW55vU * further concerns poor ventilation is factor in meat plants (Germany)care homes (UK) restaurants/pubs/offices (Asia) ..yet
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
@BMJ_latest article “Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in covid-19?” https://t.co/RcPvz37aEO. Not looking forward to winter... https://t.co/2qSyZaNCB3
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
We probably have to rethink the 2-meter distancing rule because #COVID19 can spread much farther in the right conditions. "8 of the 10 studies ... showed horizontal projection of respiratory droplets beyond 2 m. https://t.co/TeSNsnfUwS
RT @MasVillaviciosa: Interesante estudio científico que detalla el riesgo de transmisión de #Covid19 dependiendo de varios factores: llevar…
risk diagram for Covid-19 in various settings 👍
RT @_AlexArenas: Aquest és el semàfor de risc que totes les escoles han de tenir present donada la transmissibilitat per l'aire del SARS-CO…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
RT @clerenlas: @dorizinn @DKThomp The source is the British Medical Journal. Paper here https://t.co/yIIy2uMaNV. Authors affiliated w…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
@bennie7508 @Jopinie @roelgrif Deze blijf ik echt top vinden: https://t.co/YgqiCOTt7X https://t.co/GD8p1errjv
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
RT @ontariogenomics: #COVID19Spotlight: Physical distancing is an important measure to control #COVID19, but exactly how far away & for how…
RT @DrZeshanQureshi: Our new paper @bmj_latest - outdated 1-2 m physical COVID-19 distancing rules need updating. https://t.co/9zn5i0XQO5…
@ZulmaCucunuba @DavidgMarin Y también me gustó ésta gráfica, publicada en The BMJ la semana pasada https://t.co/0L3ERcmDW8 https://t.co/G0RJ0H2a3r
RT @StompSava: Welcher Abstand ist der richtige? Die hier skizzierte rote Gefahrenzone hängt ab von dem Aufenthalt draußen - drinnen, ihr…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @laoneill111: Detailed analysis of importance of social distancing, face covering and ventilation in mitigating against transmission. Av…
RT @marcolsteinberg: This is a useful chart, based on research, to help manage risks and help set policies for physical distancing & face c…
RT @DrZeshanQureshi: Our new paper @bmj_latest - outdated 1-2 m physical COVID-19 distancing rules need updating. https://t.co/9zn5i0XQO5…
@VN0VAIS Fica o link do artigo original https://t.co/dsmO8RoSnH Que seja o próximo gráfico de "curvas" a tornar-se "viral" 🙏
@johndodds @intrcnnctd This paper indicates strong breathing, indoors, ventilation all big factors — but nothing about time (scroll down to the coloured table, it’s all well presenting findings) https://t.co/EPEmIEdaCk
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…
Welcher Abstand ist der richtige? Die hier skizzierte rote Gefahrenzone hängt ab von dem Aufenthalt draußen - drinnen, ihrer Belüftung Dauer von Kontakten kurz - lang Aktivität: Schweigen oder Sprechen, Singen oder Schreien sowie der Frage Maske ja - n
This is a useful chart, based on research, to help manage risks and help set policies for physical distancing & face coverings in #COVID__19 It captures multiple critical dimensions, with spatial & behavioral implications https://t.co/VR9WW80F7y h
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
This is a useful model. Looking at how these 5 factors can interact makes sense, as a way to assess risk levels. This table could also help to decide what actions are needed, depending on the activity, location, etc. #coronavirus #COVID19 #COVID19ireland
RT @EARL_Med_Tw: 感染伝播リスクについての定性的分類 BMJ 2020; 370: m3223(https://t.co/h5TPWYmUWn)より作成 https://t.co/6GTtrCcPKN
🛑🦠😷 ¿UN METRO? ¿DOS METROS? (HILO 3/FIN) Aquí una revisión de protocolos del British Medical Journal, que aclara la excesiva simplificación de la sugerencias más comunes. https://t.co/a1DkjsZLoF https://t.co/seGJp4V8YM
RT @_AlexArenas: Aquest és el semàfor de risc que totes les escoles han de tenir present donada la transmissibilitat per l'aire del SARS-CO…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @EARL_Med_Tw: 感染伝播リスクについての定性的分類 BMJ 2020; 370: m3223(https://t.co/h5TPWYmUWn)より作成 https://t.co/6GTtrCcPKN
RT @EARL_Med_Tw: 感染伝播リスクについての定性的分類 BMJ 2020; 370: m3223(https://t.co/h5TPWYmUWn)より作成 https://t.co/6GTtrCcPKN
@Klomeister @SarahZuspaet @Sportkultur @Renn_Ma @Wortpiratin bitte @ alle anderen, diskutiert einfach nicht mit leuten, die solche sachen verbreiten, das ist schlicht verschwörungstheroretischer blödsinn, masken schaden nicht und die wissenschaftliche date
RT @A_Schillhaneck: Masken. Masken. Masken. Und Durchzug. #Servicetweet #Corona https://t.co/dwGzh3HlwX
RT @wndymntiel: El mejor artículo que he encontrado hasta ahora estratificando el riesgo de transmisión de COVID-19 según uso de mascarilla…
RT @clerenlas: @dorizinn @DKThomp The source is the British Medical Journal. Paper here https://t.co/yIIy2uMaNV. Authors affiliated w…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
RT @kikollan: De las variables de contagio (densidad, mascarilla, ventilación, voz y tiempo), hay dos que en España creo que no merecieron…
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
@kevinnbass And here you can read something about the impact from this. Huge. And it is all based on guesswork around the actuall risk https://t.co/n90Fv2DGlA
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
@kevinnbass There is a real risk that recommending masks will make people do things the would otherwise have not This one is translated to 28 languages so far. Telling people the can do stuff with low risk using masks that they might not have done otherw
RT @Marta_Serrano: Según el cuadro, los parques estarían en "Low ocuppancy" -> "Outdoors and well ventilated" -> "Wearing face coverings,…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @neznezxmail: 8/27追記 フィジカルディスタンスは広範な公衆衛生アプローチの一部に過ぎない 人-空気-空間の複合的な管理戦略を https://t.co/VYj0YJwIB6
RT @EARL_Med_Tw: 感染伝播リスクについての定性的分類 BMJ 2020; 370: m3223(https://t.co/h5TPWYmUWn)より作成 https://t.co/6GTtrCcPKN
RT @DrEricDing: RISK INDEX: Really excellent risk ranking of coronavirus transmission situations by @trishgreenhalgh, published in BMJ. Ind…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @laoneill111: Detailed analysis of importance of social distancing, face covering and ventilation in mitigating against transmission. Av…
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Here's the key table from our new paper in @bmj_latest. Email me for the source file if you want to translate it (ple…
RT @Uhandrea: SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik…
SARS-CoV-2aren transmisioa egoera desberdinetan https://t.co/ZyO9QFSzIq (irudia bertan eskuragarri) @zientziaeus en eskutik Jatorrizkoa: https://t.co/TQbsnhlUQM Eta azalpenak, euskaraz, @AnaGalarraga1 ren artikulua @elhuyaraldizk arian: https://t.co/a6Xe
My weather station lab class can expect to be mostly outside!
RT @trishgreenhalgh: SLOVENIAN translation of our risk table. Thanks @JericaRadez https://t.co/JqnTYDuTrR https://t.co/ARtpRw0kYf
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…
RT @ArnauddMercier: 2 metres or 1: what is the evidence for physical distancing in #covid19? (Oxford/MIT) + tableau croisé des risques de c…
Covid bulaşma riskine ilişkin Bilimsel Makaleyi soranlar için. Özetle açık hava, maske, mesafenin fazla olması yani az sayıda insan bulunan ortamlar daha güvenli. Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in covid-19? | The BMJ https:
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @EARL_Med_Tw: 感染伝播リスクについての定性的分類 BMJ 2020; 370: m3223(https://t.co/h5TPWYmUWn)より作成 https://t.co/6GTtrCcPKN
RT @FuckOffMundo: @CarmenSnchezF1 @eduardosuarez @drnrjones @DrZeshanQureshi @trishgreenhalgh Asintomáticos. Acá el informe completo, dónde…
RT @laoneill111: Detailed analysis of importance of social distancing, face covering and ventilation in mitigating against transmission. Av…
RT @bmj_latest: Rules that stipulate a single physical distance (1 or 2 metres) to reduce the spread of covid-19 are an oversimplification,…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…
RT @eduardosuarez: 📌 He traducido al español esta tabla tan importante de cara al otoño y a la vuelta al cole. Refleja el riesgo de transmi…