Caso inédito: homem rasga traqueia ao segurar espirro
Terra (Spain),
Em vez de soltar o espirro, um homem o prendeu apertando o nariz e fechando a boca.
Em vez de soltar o espirro, um homem o prendeu apertando o nariz e fechando a boca.
Sabemos que segurar o espirro faz mal, e um caso clínico publicado na revista científica BMJ Case Reports só reforçou ainda…
¡Increíble, pero cierto! Científicos acaban de confirmar una de las primeras lesiones causadas por el aguantar un estornudo.
國際中心/周希雯報導 許多人因打噴嚏會發出聲響,在公共場合會故意憋住,但這種做法其實會引發危險!英國1名男子開車途中想打噴嚏,但因為捏鼻閉嘴強忍下來,結果導致氣管撕裂緊急送醫,成為全球首起案例,引起醫學界的關注。 綜合外媒報導,《英國醫學期刊》(BMJ)揭露…
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
Irene WrightDecember 12, 2023 at 10:27 AM BMJ Case Reports A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a…
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
The stifled sneeze tore through the lining of the man’s trachea, doctor’s said, as seen on X-ray marked by the black arrow.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
The stifled sneeze tore through the lining of the man’s trachea, doctor’s said, as seen on X-ray marked by the black arrow.
The stifled sneeze tore through the lining of the man’s trachea, doctor’s said, as seen on X-ray marked by the black arrow.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
The stifled sneeze tore through the lining of the man’s trachea, doctor’s said, as seen on X-ray marked by the black arrow.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
The stifled sneeze tore through the lining of the man’s trachea, doctor’s said, as seen on X-ray marked by the black arrow.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching his nose, doctors said.
December 12, 2023 1:27 PM A man suffered a first-of-its kind injury when he tried to stifle a sneeze while driving by pinching…
Il y a quelques mois, alors qu’il conduisait et souffrait d’un rhume des foins, un homme a ressenti une soudaine envie d’éternuer…
There are many times when we would rather hold in a sneeze – whilst driving, during an exam, or that deathly quiet important…
We've all likely heard cryptic warnings over the years about what will happen if you try to suppress a sneeze, and one case…
12 грудня, 17:39 Поділитися: Чоловік ледь не помер через чхання (Фото:@Raw Colour) Якщо під час чхання закрити і рот, і ніс, у ве…
12 декабря, 17:39 Поделиться: Мужчина едва не умер из-за чихания (Фото:@Raw Colour) Медики описали случай, когда мужчина с присту…
Doctors have warned not to hold in your sneeze for too long after a man tore a hole in his throat.
Um ato que parecia inofensivo quase tirou a vida de um homem de 30 anos, no Reino Unido.
O ato de segurar um espirro resultou em um rompimento na traqueia de um homem, de 30 anos, no Reino Unido.
Una radiografía del cuello del hombre reveló que tenía bolsas de aire atrapadas debajo de la piel de su cuello, como lo…
In the first known case of its kind, a man tore a small hole in his windpipe after attempting to hold in a sneeze.
In the first known case of its kind, a man tore a small hole in his windpipe after attempting to hold in a sneeze.
In the first known case of its kind, a man tore a small hole in his windpipe after attempting to hold in a sneeze.
British Medical Journal: мужчина хотел сдержать чихание и получил травму трахеи 30-летний британец получил угрожающую жизни травм…
Santé Par Alexandra Klausner Publié Déc. 6 janvier 2023, 11 h 59 HE Si vous avez été coupable d’avoir éternué, cet…
If you’ve been guilty of holding in a sneeze, this warning is for achoo. A man in his 30s who had a history of allergies tore…
A healthy young man sustained the injury because air accumulated in his throat and chest A tear in the trachea can be life-threat…
A young man with a history of allergies suffered a serious tear in his windpipe after attempting to ‘hold in’ a sneeze.
A younger man with a historical past of allergy symptoms suffered a critical tear in his windpipe after trying to ‘maintain in…
Британські лікарі задокументували рідкісний випадок розриву трахеї у молодої людини, який стримувався при чханні.