Los peligros de estornudar: desde evacuaciones intestinales hasta tráqueas desgarradas
Si tuvieras que imaginar el tipo de accidente que haría que los intestinos de una persona explotaran y salieran del cuerpo, podrí…
Si tuvieras que imaginar el tipo de accidente que haría que los intestinos de una persona explotaran y salieran del cuerpo, podrí…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst (achoo) The benefits of a good sneeze can sometimes come with a greater…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
Les éternuements sont normalement un mécanisme de protection qui empêche les substances potentiellement dangereuses de pénétrer…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
Si pensamos en el tipo de accidente que haría que los intestinos de una persona estallaran fuera de su cuerpo, podríamos…
En algunos casos, la velocidad de un estornudo alcanza la impresionante cifra de 56 kilómetros por hora.
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person's bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
Si pensamos en el tipo de accidente que haría que los intestinos de una persona estallaran fuera de su cuerpo, podríamos…
En algunos casos, la velocidad de un estornudo alcanza la impresionante cifra de 56 kilómetros por hora.
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person's bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
The dangers of sneezing – from ejected bowels to torn windpipes: If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause…
Doctors have issued a health warning following an unusual incident where a man tore his throat after attempting to stifle a…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person's bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person’s bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine…
The human physique continues to shock medical doctors, who report assembly sufferers with uncommon circumstances or distinctive…
The human body continues to surprise doctors, who report meeting patients with rare conditions or unique abilities.
The human body continues to surprise doctors, who report meeting patients with rare conditions or unique abilities.
Medical case reports feature a wide array of unusual ailments, from "furry tongues" and water allergies to changing eye colors.
The human body continues to surprise doctors, who report meeting patients with rare conditions or unique abilities.
Un equipo médico de la Universidad de Dundee (Escocia) ha lanzado una advertencia muy peculiar: evitar un estornudo cerrando la…
A man tore a hole in his windpipe by pinching his nose and keeping his mouth shut during a sneezing episode, a case study says.
A man tore a hole in his windpipe by pinching his nose and keeping his mouth shut during a sneezing episode, a case study says.
A medical team from the dundee hospitalin Scotland, have issued a call to remind the general population that hold back…
La prossima volta che sentite uno starnuto "caricarsi" nel naso... liberatelo subito (magari arginando con un fazzoletto o con l…
A Perthshire dad has told of the moment he was left with a hole in his windpipe – after a stifled sneeze went wrong.
くしゃみをこらえようとして鼻をつまんだり口を閉じたりすることの危険性を示す症例報告書が最近、学術誌BMJ Case Reportsで発表された。英国の30代の男性が、鼻をつまみ口を閉じてくしゃみを我慢しようとした結果、気管に穴が開いてしまったのだという。 ア…
En se pinçant le nez et en fermant la bouche, ce Britannique d’une trentaine d’années espérait retenir son éternuement.
Londýn - Když cítíte, že se blíží kýchnutí, je lepší se ho nesnažit potlačit, upozornili skotští lékaři.
Click to save this article.You'll be asked to sign into your Forbes account.Got itDec 18, 2023,10:18pm EST A hole in your…
不少人打噴嚏都會用摀住口鼻,甚至捏住鼻子忍住。英國一名30多歲的男子近日因捏住鼻子、緊閉嘴巴强忍噴嚏,導致頸部出現劇痛。經檢查發現竟是氣管撕裂(tracheal tear),這亦是全球首宗因忍住噴嚏而導致氣管受損的案例。 同場加映: Sick問識答|長期月經…
Escocia.- Médicos de la Universidad de Dundee, Escocia, advirtieron del peligro de intentar contener los estornudos luego de…
इमेज स्रोत, Mayank Makhija/NurPhoto via Getty Images 39 मिनट पहले अपनी छींक रोकने की कोशिश में एक व्यक्ति के गले के अंदरुनी जख्म…
Experts have urged people to let their sneezes out after a man in Scotland tore a hole in his throat attempting to stop one of…
Si bien es algo raro, contener un estornudo puede tener consecuencias graves como lesiones en el oído, fisuras en la tráquea o…
15 Dicembre 2023 È il caso di un uomo sulla trentina che si è procurato una perforazione della trachea per aver trattenuto uno…
A man in Scotland tore a hole in his throat when he attempted to stop a sneeze.
A man tore a hole in his throat as he attempted to stifle a sneeze. The unnamed patient - who is in his 30s - was taken to…
When you feel a sneeze coming on, it’s best to let it out. Otherwise you could end up tearing a hole in your throat.
有沒有想過,憋住噴嚏可能會帶來什麼後果?最近的一份病例報告中,一名男子因為強行憋住噴嚏,竟然撕裂了自己的氣管,這種情況在醫學上還是頭一遭! 一名30多歲的年輕男子,在開車時感覺到要噴嚏。考慮到噴嚏會讓人閉眼,而他又需要專心開車,於是他選擇用捏鼻子和閉嘴的方式…
Les médecins avertissent les gens de ne pas retenir leurs éternuements après qu’un homme se soit retrouvé à l’hôpital.
Vanessa EtienneDecember 14, 2023 at 2:42 PM A man pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze, which can increase…
A man pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze, which can increase the pressure in the upper airways by up to…
A man pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze, which can increase the pressure in the upper airways by up to…
A man pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze, which can increase the pressure in the upper airways by up to…
A man pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze, which can increase the pressure in the upper airways by up to…
A man pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze, which can increase the pressure in the upper airways by up to…
When you feel a sneeze coming on, it’s best to let it out. Otherwise you could end up tearing a hole in your throat.
When you feel a sneeze coming on, it’s best to let it out. Otherwise you could end up tearing a hole in your throat.
A Scottish man’s horror injury has shown why it is dangerous to stifle a sneeze.
Man holding in sneeze Most people have a strategy they deploy when they have to sneeze, but if you’re one of the ones who try…
Doctors have issued a warning after a man tore a hole in his throat while trying to stop a sneeze.
Doctors have issued a warning after a man tore a hole in his throat while trying to stop a sneeze.
Scans revealed a 2mm rip in the patient's windpipe after he pinched his nose and closed his mouth to stifle a sneeze.
You’re in a quiet office, you’re in the middle of a conversation or you’re just feeling too self-aware to let it all out.
You’re in a quiet office, you’re in the middle of a conversation or you’re just feeling too self-aware to let it all out.
Многие из нас привыкли легкомысленно относиться к таким действиям организма, как чихание, но процессы происходящие в этот момент…
Багато хто з нас звик легковажно ставитися до таких дій організму, як чхання, але процеси, що відбуваються в цей момент, можуть с…
Doctors have issued a warning after a man tore a hole in his throat while trying to stop a sneeze.
Image source, BMJImage caption, Hospital scans revealed a 2mm perforation in his windpipe.
Lateral soft tissue neck X-ray. A white arrow points to the surgical emphysema in the superficial neck space.
Doctors have issued a warning after a man tore a hole in his throat by trying to stifle a sneeze while driving – before being…
IFL Science: аллергик из Таиланда неудачно чихнул и порвал трахею Мужчина порвал трахею из-за того, что неудачно чихнул.
Man suffered serious injury after he held his nose and closed his mouth to stop a sneeze Published: 00:23 GMT, 14 December 2023 …
Here’s a scary lesson on why you shouldn’t hold back your sneeze. In a new case report this month, doctors in the United…
Aqui está uma lição assustadora sobre por que você não deve segurar um espirro.
Here’s a scary lesson on why you shouldn’t hold back your sneezes. In a new case report this month, doctors in the United…
A man tore his windpipe after trying to hold back a sneeze. According to doctors, this is the first known case of this kind.
¿Algunas vez has tratado de contener un estornudo? Un equipo de médicos logró documentar el primer caso de un hombre que se…
Nunca antes se había reportado un caso de perforación de tráquea después de estornudar.
C’est un conseil qui pourrait presque prendre l’allure d’une légende urbaine. De la même manière qu’on entend depuis toujours qu…
A man tore his windpipe after he tried to hold in a sneeze, which medical professionals say is the first known case of its kind.
, 17:49 Желание чихнуть часто настигает не в самый удобный момент, поэтому многие люди предпочитают сдерживать позывы.
Pesquisadores do Reino Unido relataram um caso inédito na revista científica BMJ Case Reports.
L'ESSENTIEL En Écosse, un homme s’est présenté aux urgences après avoir ressenti des douleurs au niveau du cou à la suite d’un ét…
Holding in a sneeze might seem like the polite thing to do but can actually cause a lot of damage to your body Health experts…
Un hombre de 30 años se convirtió en una “celebridad médica” en Reino Unido por presentar el primer caso conocido de rotura de…
The patient had to visit A
A pressão do bloqueio ao espirro causou um pequeno rasgo de 2 por 2 milímetros na traqueia.
Wiele osób powstrzymuje kichanie, zaciskając nos i zamykając usta. To ogromny błąd.
Des médecins britanniques ont rapporté le premier cas connu de déchirure de la trachée chez un patient ayant tenté de retenir…
A veces, un acto tan sencillo y cotidiano como estornudar puede ocultar riesgos insospechados.
Em vez de soltar o espirro, um homem o prendeu apertando o nariz e fechando a boca.