Drinking and Brain Health: Is There a ‘Healthy’ Amount of Alcohol?
Being Patient,
According to Homer Simpson, alcohol is “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” While the patriarch of the…
According to Homer Simpson, alcohol is “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” While the patriarch of the…
Drinking alcohol grew into a socially acceptable activity in multiple societies, starting in the Neolithic period. From the…
Al parecer, una alta concentración de alcohol o un alto volumen en el organismo no hacen diferencia en la forma en que las…
А также с изменением структуры белого вешества
The holiday season is buzzing with celebrations, albeit smaller this year, that include plenty of drinks to go around. But it’s…
A new study indicates that passing out from drinking can double one’s dementia risk. More broadly, research on alcohol and…
A new study indicates that passing out from drinking can double one’s dementia risk — but more broadly, research on alcohol and…
Alcohol consumption across the world is on the rise. While excessive alcohol consumption is associated with cognitive decline…
We humans tend to forget we’re wildlife, which is possibly why our planet is heading for climate change catastrophe. We’ve lost…
Changes to your lifestyle can have a significant impact on your mental health and wellbeing.
The number of people living with dementia worldwide is expected to triple in the next 30 years, with 135 million people…
Summary: Keep current with this monthly journal club covering landmark articles through May 2018, plus rapid fire hot takes…
Questions also raised for moderate drinkers of alcohol about their social habitHeavy drinkers are putting themselves at risk of…
Muita gente consome álcool ao redor do mundo, mas quais são os efeitos do álcool no corpo, cérebro e saúde das pessoas? No vídeo…
Muita gente consome álcool ao redor do mundo, mas quais são os efeitos do álcool no corpo, cérebro e saúde das pessoas? No vídeo…
Recently there was a headline “Even a moderate amount of drinking could cause brain decline,” which was no doubt troubling to…
It’s no secret that alcohol affects our brains, and most moderate drinkers like the way it makes them feel — happier, less…
Popular Science:飲み過ぎは良くないと言われますが、これには十分な根拠があり&
Welcome to the Altmetric High Five for June! On a monthly basis, my High Five posts examine a selection of the most popular…
The drink was linked to shrinkage in the hippocampus, an area critical for memory and other mental functions. • Try one of…
A new study led by University of Oxford researchers has found that alcohol consumption, even at moderate levels, is associated…
According to a new study, even moderate drinkers are more likely to develop brain changes that could lead to memory loss.
A new study reveals that moderate drinking can damage the cognitive functions of the brain. This new study disputes earlier…
Richard Lehman reviews the latest research in the top medical…
Even Moderate Drinking May Be Bad For The…
Prior studies have suggested drinking in moderation may be good for your health, but new research has found otherwise.
Please be moderate in your moderation.
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol can damage the brain and…
Binge and excessive drinking almost always get a bad rap—and for good reason. Heavy alcohol consumption is known to lead to a…
Moderate alcohol consumption can impair cognitive function, says study, countering suggestions that low levels of drinking can…
MedicalResearch.com MedicalResearch.com Interview with: Dr. Anya Topiwala, BA (Hons) BMBCh (Oxon) MRCPsych DPhil Clinical…