Source: Gut Journal
.@DietArab @DietitiansGulf Source: Gut Journal
RT @YogurtNutrition: This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of con…
RT @YogurtNutrition: This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of con…
RT @YogurtNutrition: This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of con…
This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of conventional adenoma in men, especially for high-risk adenoma.
RT @AHMEDALZAMER: .@DietArab @DietitiansGulf Source: Gut Journal
.@DietArab @DietitiansGulf Source: Gut Journal
RT @YogurtNutrition: This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of con…
RT @YogurtNutrition: This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of con…
RT @YogurtNutrition: This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of con…
This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of conventional adenoma in men, especially for high-risk adenoma. 👉
El consumo de yogurt > 2 veces x sem podría reducir el riesgo de cancer de colon
RT @GMFHx: Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large coho…
RT @GMFHx: Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large coho…
RT @GMFHx: Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large coho…
RT @GMFHx: Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large coho…
RT @GMFHx: Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large coho…
RT @GMFHx: Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large coho…
Scientists struggle with identifying new modifiable factors for colorectal adenomas. Recent prospective findings in a large cohort of adults reveal an association between yogurt intake and precursors of CRC via @Gut_BMJ
RT @YogurtNutrition: [New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased…
RT @Halkhayat: تناول #الروب قد يقلل من تكون لحميات القولون #اكل_صحي
RT @Halkhayat: تناول #الروب قد يقلل من تكون لحميات القولون #اكل_صحي
RT @Halkhayat: تناول #الروب قد يقلل من تكون لحميات القولون #اكل_صحي
RT @Halkhayat: تناول #الروب قد يقلل من تكون لحميات القولون #اكل_صحي
RT @YogurtNutrition: [New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased…
RT @YogurtNutrition: [New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased…
RT @YogurtNutrition: [New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased…
RT @YogurtNutrition: [New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased…
low calcium intake and low vit D status a risk factor in developing CRC. No wonder yogurt is good for you.
RT @YogurtNutrition: [New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased…
[New study] This recent publication in @Gut_BMJ showed that higher consumption of yogurt was associated with decreased risk of conventional adenoma in men, especially for high-risk adenoma. 👉 cc @Food4Gut_Health @GMFHx @TheGutStuff
Important message to note! Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer. #seed #esge
RT @TomChivers: I think it's The study doesn't seem to control for other factors (might people with generally hea…
RT @TomChivers: I think it's The study doesn't seem to control for other factors (might people with generally hea…
I think it's The study doesn't seem to control for other factors (might people with generally healthier lifestyles eat more yogurt?). Adenoma doesn't always lead to cancer. And a 20% reduction in risk means nothing unless you know
RT @IlindelatorreMD: La ingesta de yogurt puede reducir el riesgo de adenoma colorrectal, en particular aquellos con alto potencial maligno…
RT @CarolGranger2: Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer As exp…
RT @Pvdcandelaere: Alle beetje helpen ... #preventie kan dus ook lekker zijn ... #workinprogress #nogtebevestigen @StopDarmkanker @Danone_B…
Alle beetje helpen ... #preventie kan dus ook lekker zijn ... #workinprogress #nogtebevestigen @StopDarmkanker @Danone_Be
May need to add some yogurt to my diet.
An interesting PostScript Letter @GUT #Yougurt consumption reduces the risk of colorectal #cancer by 20%! colon>rectum large>small villous>tubular
RT @CarolGranger2: Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer As exp…
Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer As expected, yoghurt consumption associated with lower incidence of premalignancy in the colon.
ヨーグルトを摂取する習慣のある男性は大腸腺腫のリスクが減少するかもしれない。Gut 2019 PMID: 31209182
RT @SchTorsten: Dairy - not scary at al?
Dairy - not scary at al?
RT @Epocrates: Eating yogurt may protect men from colorectal, via @GMFHx (
A comer yogurt 👍😋 Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer
RT @catieleantunes: @RifkinSamara In this study, men who consumed ≥2 servings of yogurt/week had a lower risk of conventional adenoma (OR=…
RT @catieleantunes: @RifkinSamara In this study, men who consumed ≥2 servings of yogurt/week had a lower risk of conventional adenoma (OR=…
@RifkinSamara In this study, men who consumed ≥2 servings of yogurt/week had a lower risk of conventional adenoma (OR=0.81) and an even lower risk for adenomas with high malignant potential (OR=0.74). Way to go #microbiome
RT @DCharabaty: Pulling up my grand-mother (Teta 🇱🇧) yogurt recipe , to add to the post- colonoscopy discharge instructions ! @drhalimcharb…
RT @DCharabaty: Pulling up my grand-mother (Teta 🇱🇧) yogurt recipe , to add to the post- colonoscopy discharge instructions ! @drhalimcharb…
Pulling up my grand-mother (Teta 🇱🇧) yogurt recipe , to add to the post- colonoscopy discharge instructions ! @drhalimcharbel @stevenbollipo @VictorChedidMD @MoniaWerlangMD @DrMohdZein
RT @stevenbollipo: Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer
Eating yogurt may protect men from colorectal, via @GMFHx (
RT @stevenbollipo: Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer
Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer
Mais yogurt, menos cancro do colon?
Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men
#Longevity Coaching Tip O’ the Day-Yogurt is a probiotic food. Is that why it helps prevent colon cancer?
هل تناول الزبادي يقي من سرطان القولون والمستقيم؟! #فكّر_كعالِم (٢) ما رأيكم بهذه الدراسة: هل هناك إشكالات وأسئلة أخرى يمكن أن يطرحها العالِم حول هذه المعلومة؟ #لكل_باحث_وباحثة شاركونا آراءكم.. #البحث_العلمي #يوم_الجمعه #معل
New research from PHS's Xiaobin Zheng and Yin Cao finds that, in men, eating two or more weekly servings of yogurt may help to lower the risk of developing the abnormal growths (adenomas) which precede the development of bowel cancer. Read more here: https
D’après des chercheurs américains, la consommation régulière de #yaourt permettrait de réduire les risques de développer des tumeurs précancéreuses dans l'intestin, et donc de #cancer colorectal chez les hommes
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer | Gut
Intriguing study! Yogurt intake may reduce risk of high risk adenoma in men. Biological plausibility- but could SES be a confounder? Yogurt is expensive!
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
RT @EricTopol: The latest nutritional epidemiology report says eating yogurt is associated with reduction of precursors of colon #cancer in…
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
RT @PattersonInst: In men, compared with individuals without yogurt consumption, men who consumed ≥2 servings/week had a lower risk of conv…
In men, compared with individuals without yogurt consumption, men who consumed ≥2 servings/week had a lower risk of conventional adenoma and adenomas with high malignant potential [precursor to colorectal cancer]"
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
RT @EricTopol: The latest nutritional epidemiology report says eating yogurt is associated with reduction of precursors of colon #cancer in…
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
Oh my God. Women dont benefit from curd rice?
RT @EricTopol: The latest nutritional epidemiology report says eating yogurt is associated with reduction of precursors of colon #cancer in…
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
RT @bmj_company: Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men, finds research published online in @Gut_BMJ this week htt…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: La ingesta de yogurt puede reducir el riesgo de adenoma colorrectal, en particular aquellos con alto potencial maligno…
RT @EricTopol: The latest nutritional epidemiology report says eating yogurt is associated with reduction of precursors of colon #cancer in…
Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer
RT @IlindelatorreMD: La ingesta de yogurt puede reducir el riesgo de adenoma colorrectal, en particular aquellos con alto potencial maligno…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: La ingesta de yogurt puede reducir el riesgo de adenoma colorrectal, en particular aquellos con alto potencial maligno…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: La ingesta de yogurt puede reducir el riesgo de adenoma colorrectal, en particular aquellos con alto potencial maligno…
RT @GastroNDP: Even more benefits of yogurt? All my patients know how much I stress yogurt intake. @Gut_BMJ
RT @sarahhalford7: Men who eat two or more servings of Yoghurt a week have a significantly lower risk of developing #bowelcancer research p…
RT @Yummy_Lummy: Watching #MasterChefAU and enjoying frozen berries and tarty yoghurt Interesting letter in the BMJ on Yoghurt consumption…
RT @Yummy_Lummy: Watching #MasterChefAU and enjoying frozen berries and tarty yoghurt Interesting letter in the BMJ on Yoghurt consumption…
Watching #MasterChefAU and enjoying frozen berries and tarty yoghurt Interesting letter in the BMJ on Yoghurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer
Männern könnte ein regelmässiger Joghurtkonsum (mindestens 2 Joghurts pro Woche) dabei helfen, ihr Darmkrebsrisiko zu verringern – vor allem das Risiko für Adenome mit hochmalignem Potenzial sinkt mit der regelmässigen Einnahme von Joghurt. Zur Studie: htt
2 Joghurts pro Woche - damit können Männer offenbar zu einem gewissen Teil ihr #Darmkrebsrisiko senken 👇
#Darmkrebs: Männern könnte ein regelmässiger Joghurtkonsum (mind. 2 Joghurts pro Woche) dabei helfen, ihr Darmkrebsrisiko zu verringern – vor allem das Risiko für Adenome mit hochmalignem Potential sinkt mit der regelmässigen Einnahme von Joghurt: https://
Männer könnte ein regelmässiger Joghurtkonsum (mindestens 2 Joghurts pro Woche) dabei helfen, ihr Darmkrebsrisiko zu verringern – vor allem das Risiko für Adenome mit hochmalignem Potenzial sinkt mit der regelmässigen Einnahme von Joghurt. Zur Studie: http