The DOJ Is Trying to Protect Pfizer From a Whistleblower Lawsuit - Global Research
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All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only…
O que estão compartilhando: que a farmacêutica Pfizer admitiu em um tribunal federal que as vacinas para covid-19 nunca foram…
Authored by Megan Redshaw via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), (Marco Lazzarini/Shutterstock) The FDA released the final batch…
Un trabajador sanitario prepara una dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer BioNTech en una imagen de archivo.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsor just about every deceptively credible source cited in support of vaccination and…
Publié originellement dans la revue Brownstone Institute, cet article de Filipe Rafaeli a été traduit avec l’autorisation de…
Der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Bundestags hat eine Zusammenstellung von Studien zur Sicherheit der Corona-„Impfstoffe…
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Authored by Margaret Anna Alice via, I get it. You don’t want to be called a “conspiracy theorist.” You don’t…
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In an interview with CNBC News in September 2020, Dr. Albert Bourla, the veterinarian Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer — the…
This essay was written by a physician colleague of mine, whose opinion I value greatly.
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All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.
Ce dont chacun a besoin pour prendre une décision éclairée, c’est d’estimations aussi fiables que possible des probabilités…
2022年にBuzzFeed Newsで反響の大きかった記事をご紹介しています。(初出:8月12日) 鳩山由紀夫元首相がTwitter上で、医師に聞いた話として、「WHOがワクチンを打った人の方が打たない人より3倍入院する確率が高いことを認めた」という情報を…
Un cartel de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) de Estados Unidos fuera de la sede en White Oak, Maryland, el…
On Nov. 2, 2021, The BMJ broke the story of Brook Jackson, the regional director who blew the whistle on data integrity issues…
2nd November 2022 by Nadya Swart 20 October saw a further erosion of scientific and ethical standards when the Centres for…
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1st November 2022 by Nadya Swart The catchphrase “Trust the science”, notoriously touted by Dr Anthony Fauci since the onset of…
From The Forgotten Side of Medicine Substack, this essay brilliantly details the history, current state, and future of the…
When I was younger, a friend who was a corporate executive told me about “tiger teams,” an approach industry would utilize to…
When I was younger, a friend who was a corporate executive told me about “tiger teams,” an approach industry would utilize to…
When I was younger, a friend who was a corporate executive told me about “tiger teams,” an approach industry would utilize to…
BMJ发布2022年影响力报告,进一步加强对改善全人类健康的承诺。该报告突出强调了BMJ在支持医疗工作者通过更好的证据、更好的决策以及更好的系统来改进医疗质量、提供最佳医疗服务方面做出的工作。 近日,BMJ发布了2022年影响力报告,这是BMJ发布的第二份年…
鳩山由紀夫元首相がTwitter上で、医師に聞いた話として、「WHOがワクチンを打った人の方が打たない人より3倍入院する確率が高いことを認めた」という情報を発信した。 しかし、これは誤った情報だ。WHOはこうした発表を一切しておらず、イギリスからの報告などで…
This article reproduced with the kind permission of Axel McFarlane The Government response, shown in italics, has been broken…
COLUMN - The greatest mystery of World War II has been solved. The enigma lasted more than eight decades.
© Pfizer/unknown The Whistleblower, Pfizer and The Law A lawsuit filed by whistleblower Brook Jackson alleging Pfizer and two…
The lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss Jackson’s lawsuit alleging…
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On Nov. 2, 2021 British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article that revealed three big issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial…
Brook Jackson fik et chok, da hun i marts fandt et brev i sin brevkasse. Brevet var fra det amerikanske justitsministerium, og…
Mercredi 13 avril, lors d’une conférence de presse organisée par la Fédération internationale de l’industrie du médicament (Ifpma…
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© Massimo Giachetti After graduating from Columbia University with a chemical engineering degree, my grandfather went on to…
Authored by Rebecca Strong via, They keep telling us to “trust the science.” But who paid for it? After graduating…
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In September 2021, a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) filed a Freedom of…
18th March 2022 by Editor BizNews The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsor just about every deceptively credible source…
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“Como se tornou o padrão”, diz de forma resignada o juiz americano Mark T. Pittman em sua decisão de janeiro, “as partes não…
By Sonya Elijah On March 1, the eagerly awaited new instalment of Pfizer’s documents was made publicly available thanks to the…
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All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner…
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner…
TRIBUNE — Le plus grand mystère de la Seconde Guerre mondiale a été résolu. L'énigme a duré plus de huit décennies.
COLUMN - The greatest mystery of World War II has been solved. The enigma lasted more than eight decades.
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner…
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner…
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner…
Paul Thacker The fact-checkers who flagged Paul Thacker's British Medical Journal article about a Pfizer subcontractor for…
Authored by Matt Taibbi via TK News, In February of 2010, the New York Times released a front-page story entitled, “Research…
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Etats-Unis – Dans un éditorial[1], le British Medical Journal appelle à une sorte de « réveil collectif » en dénonçant l’absence…
The BMJ magazine, one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journals, is taking on Facebook and its fact-checking…
CHRONIQUE — Les stratèges de la vaccination ont caché à l’exécutif et à la représentation nationale une étude anglaise…
Πρώτη καταχώρηση: Πέμπτη, 13 Ιανουαρίου 2022, 12:18 Ανάλυση από τον Δρ. JosephMercola 11 Ιανουαρίου 2022 Σημείωση: Τα άρθρα του…
by Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell In a relatively rare break from COVID orthodoxy by the British Medical Journal, it went…
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Auf vielfachen Wunsch habe ich für die meisten der 22 Gründe gegen die Impfpflicht die Verweise auf die zugrundeliegenden…
Editores da revista BMJ pedem que Mark Zuckerberg reveja critérios para identificação de notícias falsas.| Foto: EFE Editores…
CHRONIQUE — En premier lieu, il est urgent de rassurer les populations terrorisées par la présence d’Omicron, la peste du 21ᵉ siè…
Um vídeo no qual o médico americano Robert Malone argumenta contra a vacinação de crianças contra a covid-19 foi compartilhado…
The British Medical Journal (BMJ), one of the oldest and most prestigious medical journals in the world, has slammed Facebook’s…
Außergewöhnlich hohes Interesse rief ein Artikel im British Medical Journal hervor, der Anfang November kritikwürdige…
Автор: 1 минута В начале ноября BMJ опубликовал статью, в которой раскрывались подробности клинических испытаний вакцины Pfizer н…
Editors at the BMJ have released an urgent request to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and parent company Meta regarding a recent “fact…
Σε μια ανοιχτή επιστολή προς τον Mark Zuckerberg του Facebook, το BMJ αποκαλεί τους λογοκριτές (‘ελεγκτές δεδομένων’) του τεχνολο…
The Machiavellian quote (sic) that "if you're going to come at the king, you best not miss," may be about to bite Mark…
Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center.
Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center.
วารสารการแพทย์ The BMJ ออกจดหมายเปิดผนึกถึง Mark Zuckerberg เรียกร้องให้เฟซบุ๊กแก้ไขระบบตรวจสอบข้อเท็จจริง หลังระบบของเฟซบุ๊กห้าม…
Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are Fiona Godlee and Kamran Abbasi, editors of The BMJ, one of the world's oldest and most influential…
Top Editors from theBritish Medical Journal (The BMJ)have a message forMark Zuckerbergof Facebook: get your fact-checkers in…
Im Internet verbreitet sich ein Auszug aus einer Pressekonferenz des Schweizer Vereins Aletheia: Ein Vortrag von Kati Schepis…
In einem kurzen Video behauptet Sucharit Bhakdi, es gebe keine Beweise, dass die Impfstoffe gegen Covid-19 wirken, und sie…
2021 is ending with a grim state of affairs: more than 262 million cases, 5.2 million deaths, and a new variant of concern…
Kardinalsünde „Impfverweigerung“ (Symbolbild:Ansage) Die Argumente der vor allem von westlichen Staaten vorangetriebenen…
DEBATT: Den som har Aftenbladets kommentariat som eneste næringskilde, vil få et ubalansert og mangelfullt kosthold.
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CoronaCheck is RMIT ABC Fact Check's weekly email newsletter dedicated to fighting the misinformation infodemic surrounding the…
CoronaCheck is RMIT ABC Fact Check's weekly email newsletter dedicated to fighting the misinformation infodemic surrounding the…
Reputable medical journals such as the British Medical Journal (BMJ) are invaluable not just for doctors but for those that…
© REUTERS / Agustin Marcarian Recent COVID-19 research sponsored by vaccine makers and the federal government may actually…
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By Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell –The Hound Political theory rarely, if ever, aligns with practice in the real world.
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© NZDSOS By any and every possible measure, these messenger RNA gene therapy injections are the most lethal treatments ever…
Medicine pills are seen with Merck logo displayedPhoto by Jakob Porzyck /Nurphoto The answer, based on where new treatments are…
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The Food and Drug Administration is asking a federal court to allow it to take nearly 55 years to release data on Pfizer’s COVID…
The Food and Drug Administration is asking a federal court to allow it to take nearly 55 years to release data on Pfizer's COVID…
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the…
Frustration and Anger after Glasgow Climate Summit. Can We Still Win the Race Against Time? By Marc Vandepitte, November 17…
Story at-a-glance According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer's Phase 3 COVID jab trial, data were falsified, patients…
Οι απάτες της Ventavia Research Group, υπεργολάβου της Pfizer, αφορούν την ακεραιότητα των δεδομένων και την ασφάλεια των ασθενών…
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