RT @focusingman: @MoveToBlueSky @CartlandDavid Simon promotes life threatening information. The jabs have killed & maimed millions & Pfizer…
RT @Tom_Rumi: Never trust in a serially convicted criminal organisation like @pfizer. https://t.co/MVN5dVfpCe
RT @Tom_Rumi: Never trust in a serially convicted criminal organisation like @pfizer. https://t.co/MVN5dVfpCe
@MoveToBlueSky @CartlandDavid Simon promotes life threatening information. The jabs have killed & maimed millions & Pfizer committed fraud on the mRNA safety data. https://t.co/JK91f1YTYA
Simon promotes life threatening information. The jabs have killed & maimed millions & Pfizer committed fraud on the mRNA safety data. https://t.co/JK91f1YTYA https://t.co/CGqJLS8x53
@MaxBel30518 @provost_patrick BMJ, hein? Intéressant... https://t.co/VA6BTnL2fw
@Regenbogenpfert Reevaluierung der Pfizer-Daten, 1 schwere Nebenwirkung auf 800 Geimpfte: https://t.co/TZWdUXTgtZ Whistleblower zur fehlenden Datenintegrität bei Pfizer: https://t.co/8SmKj0ZiEz
RT @Dirk_aus_Hessen: @SHomburg Ja, eine fragwürdige Studie. https://t.co/gHHS9EndrG
RT @Dirk_aus_Hessen: @SHomburg Ja, eine fragwürdige Studie. https://t.co/gHHS9EndrG
RT @Dirk_aus_Hessen: @SHomburg Ja, eine fragwürdige Studie. https://t.co/gHHS9EndrG
RT @Dirk_aus_Hessen: @SHomburg Ja, eine fragwürdige Studie. https://t.co/gHHS9EndrG
@labsarekindest @AndyGJBurge @ABridgen https://t.co/TogdNa6zjH if you kept an open mind and were willing to not be lazy by checking the facts yourself, you'd be more informed. Why are you so angry? Covid wasn't going to kill you. But you were so scared yo
@SHomburg Ja, eine fragwürdige Studie. https://t.co/gHHS9EndrG
@DanRehrauer @The_Big_Chingon @PetousisH The only point I made there was that there weren’t competent safety checks and Ventavia whistleblower already spoke about this years ago. https://t.co/KsJxFfAtN0
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
@Maribel24091971 La ha corrompido hasta el punto de falsear o manipular los datos en los estudios o ensayos clínicos. Aquí un ejemplo: Covid-19: Investigador denuncia problemas de integridad de datos en el ensayo de vacuna de Pfizer: https://t.co/eLh5xPZFD
RT @TexasLindsay_: 6. In fact, an editor of The British Medical Journal was so alarmed, he hired an investigative team to look into her cla…
After all the questions raised about the overselling of this report's findings, and 3 years after it fueled a flurry of anti-vax conspiracy theories, this misleading heading about Pfizer Covid vaccine trial data still stands on BMJ's website, wasn't edited
RT @ADevotedYogi: So if nothing was wrong there would be no whistleblower? How does this make you feel? Covid-19: Researcher blows the…
RT @ADevotedYogi: So if nothing was wrong there would be no whistleblower? How does this make you feel? Covid-19: Researcher blows the…
RT @ADevotedYogi: So if nothing was wrong there would be no whistleblower? How does this make you feel? Covid-19: Researcher blows the…
@adiosmuchachos4 @dense_evi This is what the trial director says: https://t.co/T1nlznADTv Pfizer has a long history of criminal fraud https://t.co/q40ypHlwNb
@dense_evi You literally trust the trillion dollar multinational corporation that manufactures a vaccine free from civil liability to tell you their product is safe. https://t.co/T1nlznADTv
@SolleyButler @scientist_pop @PRider1980 @SaintSlimJim 2/2 their own clinical trials so we get stuff like this going on: https://t.co/T1nlznADTv
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
RT @Paul86ck: @Annamericali @normanpie @mawojciechowski @TomaszKaczanow1 @JNizinkiewicz Same badania preparatów mRNA prizera to dobry przyk…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
@JiSvobo40358641 @spanelx @JiriSivek Toto je ochrana veřejného zdraví. To bylo příkazem EU i USA zcenzurováno. https://t.co/85Mu1BN3sj
@SaintSlimJim @SolleyButler @scientist_pop By the time the vaccines developed and rolled out there was a new dominant variant. The 95% efficacy shown in the Pfizer clinical trial you cited was never reproduced post vaccine rollout. That’s manufacturer data
@JiSvobo40358641 @VidlakovyKydy Projev je kvalitní a rozumný. Problém je, že cenzura pravdivých informací způsobuje tragédie a pomáhá zavádět hybridní kapitalismus dohledu podle ruského vzoru. Tento článek byl zcenzurován všemi platformami na příkaz Evrop
@neonfaerie @ElGuapoDeFren @rowandean Who's science in particular? Pfizer's? Yeah, they are trustworthy: https://t.co/auQi0T9LUj
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
RT @canariasdyu: 3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://…
3/3 FUENTE Y DOCUMENTOS: https://t.co/PFlq91cosZ NUESTRAS REDES: https://t.co/P1ciAI2b8d https://t.co/7W0UCU7bDm https://t.co/WkNwp2P1uM
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial https://t.co/6zLUS3uAEa
@sheawilliamsy @drewski_jones @lowercaselevity @helenstaniland PS - I'm a nurse & read professional medical publications, suggest you check out The British Medical Journal https://t.co/gGrzjZolgX QUOTE: "The company falsified data, unblinded patients,
@JaneCaro @GoGuppyShark Does that include The British Medical Journal? https://t.co/gGrzjZolgX QUOTE: "The company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer
@Leon1969 Dit artikel stond nog in mijn bookmarks, misschien heb je er wat aan, en wellicht kende je het al. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial BMJ 2021; 375 doi: (Published 02 November 2021) ht
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
@MicheleONeilAU USA DOJ: https://t.co/9LXZgANowk & The British Medical Journal: https://t.co/gGrzjZolgX
RT @ADevotedYogi: Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blo…
Really, is anyone not surprised? Were you aware of this already? From a Reputable Authority: Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ https://t.co/00AyRcw5Tr
@JeremyAnso @LerouxArthur10 @Maitre_Eolas Oui. Mais on ne peut plus ignorer aujourd'hui la malhonnêteté https://t.co/aQsp0k3Tdb ni les moyens énormes dépensés par certains acteurs du complexe militaro-industriel pour faire pression dans le sens voulu.
RT @MWidcoq: @Damocles2018 @Allo001970 @KingKaou @Dr_Steph_GAYET @GuisonJerome @MaDickHKG https://t.co/ZlPezPxxUv British Journal of Medic…
RT @MWidcoq: @Damocles2018 @Allo001970 @KingKaou @Dr_Steph_GAYET @GuisonJerome @MaDickHKG https://t.co/ZlPezPxxUv British Journal of Medic…
https://t.co/WDIBXRlEFK British Journal of Medicine: “ Mais pour les chercheurs qui testaient le vaccin de Pfizer sur plusieurs sites au Texas au cours de cet automne, la rapidité s'est peut-être faite au détriment de l'intégrité des données et de la séc
@ZelenkovaPetra @PetrHonzejk @FoltynOtakar Nerozumím. Miliony lidí si nemohly přečíst např. tento článek. To je problém s velmi vážnými dopady. Nepracujete ve vládní neziskovce? Ty se na té cenzuře přece konkrétně v ČR podílely. V podstatě tvrdily celou do
@MilanHampl @FoltynOtakar #twitterfiles, Cenzura Ev. Komise @bmj_latest a jejich varování https://t.co/85Mu1BMvCL
RT @gemcarey: @MoistenedTart Sorry Kylie that bmj article has a proxy on it, here you go https://t.co/h2H83a9DpL
@MoistenedTart Sorry Kylie that bmj article has a proxy on it, here you go https://t.co/h2H83a9DpL
RT @HappyKaffer: @IkNet Check even dat de British Medical Journal vandaag schrijft dat #Pfizer "falsified data, unblinded patients, employe…
Spike protein inhibits DNA repair https://t.co/c5pSVSnXZQ Pfizer cheated in the trial https://t.co/Ux99JBxZwd 2 shots more than doubled risk of heart attack https://t.co/dTrb83ykON Vaccinated viral loads just as high or higher https://t.co/NMnXyw3rCL V
More fraud for safety trials https://t.co/e2r1fmeOQp
@JohnBeaudoinSr The original trial was fraudlent. https://t.co/WiRHiSxvnC
RT @labezivon: 📍Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial 🔻 >> https://t.co/ESaaOXFFRq ~~~…
RT @silkweaver7: @oldsmokindragon @IamBrookJackson Oh no. Completely understand. I just saw this BMJ article her (with video) and was going…
RT @silkweaver7: @oldsmokindragon @IamBrookJackson Oh no. Completely understand. I just saw this BMJ article her (with video) and was going…
@oldsmokindragon @IamBrookJackson Oh no. Completely understand. I just saw this BMJ article her (with video) and was going to share it on her timeline. I’ll post is here instead with couple of screenshots. @barnes_law #BrookJackson https://t.co/4AJ2GvQuh
RT @UpInOz: An oldy but a goody. I was inspired to re-read after Paul Thacker's @thackerpd appearance on the @Bryce_Nickels ongoing Spaces…
An oldy but a goody. I was inspired to re-read after Paul Thacker's @thackerpd appearance on the @Bryce_Nickels ongoing Spaces series. https://t.co/SegIiGAaLy https://t.co/vKe2kjxosk
@recky___ @FrankPeeters4 @sammulderr Sommigen verkopen graag vaccins. Ze krijgen daar een kickback voor. Worden betaald per prik. mRNA is experimenteel en gevaarlijk. https://t.co/9nK8CqLhDQ
RT @todomejorqenada: Chapuzas y mentiras en el ensayo clínico de Pfizer. Involuntario homenaje a Sharah Kasny el día de su expulsión de Twi…
@janitkokko1 @SariWeckroth 2/n Myyntiluvan edellytyksenä olleissa tutkimuksissa toteutettiin tiedevilppiä. Sokkoutuksia purettiin, dataa manipuloitiin. Vilpistä kertonut johtaja irtisanottiin. Valvontaviranoimainen FDA ei puuttunut. https://t.co/Qs70u7
@MDPIOpenAccess Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ https://t.co/Vf7nTCXHGj
@JarranSainsbury @DavidNotBart The clinical trials: https://t.co/T1nlznBbJ3
@lonnibesancon @Michel_Angel1 @CRnono33 @xazalbert Bien sûr que Polack et al. est une étude frauduleuse. Par exemple: https://t.co/fNPU4Qv1Zh C'est bien pire qu'analyser des crottes de nez sans autorisation. Et ce n'est qu'un parmi des dizaines de problèm
@klaus_lindinger @BBarucker Nachtrag zum #RichtigErinnern Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial https://t.co/BnWnarRXR9
BMJは最初から疑念抱いてた。 二木大先生が95%凄い って言ったコロワク。せいぜい19%程度ってかいてたし。 https://t.co/xwXojA1J7Z
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…
RT @hkakeya: ワクチンに不利な論文がNEJMに載るわけないでしょう。大手医学誌で載る可能性があるとしたら、ファイザーの杜撰な治験を告発する記事を掲載したBMJぐらいでしょうか。BMJもNEJMに並ぶ名門誌ですが、医クラは完全に無視でしたね。 https://t.co…