RT @Orla_Hegarty: Reposted, thread for teachers (Oct)
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Reposted, thread for teachers (Oct)
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Reposted, thread for teachers (Oct)
RT @Orla_Hegarty: [Thread] Teachers- air quality in classrooms is important (& so are confidence & comfort) 1. Empowerment: understandin…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Reposted, thread for teachers (Oct)
Reposted, thread for teachers (Oct)
"Les manifestations c'est à l'extérieur, c'est assez ventilé pour éviter d'attraper le #COVID19" Source British Medical qui synthétise le niveau de risque de transmission du virus selon l’endroit où l’on se trouve, l’aération ou la densité humaine. https
@firefly17310 @dridragibuus @HoudiniMag @dokytachi @Jrmy42850648 Moi par contre, j'ai de bonnes sources. Bisous. https://t.co/usaju29P5X https://t.co/95dwmFedTd
@YatichN @MOH_Kenya @KEMRI_Kenya I have been telling people close to me about the importance of ventilation coz #COVIDisAirborne Still baffles me is how long the droplet dogma has persisted since @trishgreenhalgh 's paper (https://t.co/FTViKeEKmW) Kwani,
@leonrey1967 @Dr_Julio_Medina Lee el estudio no dice lo que vos decís (https://t.co/7pundibmhR). Ese gráfico es un bolazo. Te falta la rural, las elecciones (2 millones de personas adentro) y tendrías que poner bien cuál fue la marcha frenteamplista; y ana
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shoutin…
@NormaFoleyTD1 @Education_Ire @NPCprimary , but schools are “ safe?” Are we not following the science then ?
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shoutin…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shoutin…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shoutin…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shoutin…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shoutin…
Why are pubs & restaurants very high risk environments? *indoors *no masks *close range *long duration *talking/ shouting/ singing * inadequate ventilation & filtration of air *toilets, corridors, back areas, cold rooms, etc 3/ BMJ: https://t.c
@ConcernedScien7 @FlimsRadar @davidschneider They do. https://t.co/Dpu5irXt19 https://t.co/lZPMv1WWWX Also: Extract of bmj paper https://t.co/4yh22VnhVC https://t.co/kHQgatXP7C
ソーシャルディスタンスと感染率について ・BMJ 2020.09(https://t.co/Ap7UGq6ag4) ワクチン接種と有効率について ・厚生労働省まとめ(https://t.co/RAjx6WjtcD)
RT @jljcolorado: 13/ We also provide a quantitative version of the Table from Jones et al. BMJ (2020). The table that they provided (below…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
These findings from fluid dynamic studies help explain why at one choir practice in the US, a symptomatic person infected at least 32 other singers, with 20 further probable cases, despite physical distancing. https://t.co/YPer5GVvjF
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @AnthonyStigter: @tijdvooreten @trishgreenhalgh Bron is, dacht ik, deze uit augustus https://t.co/1DBkngFT53
@tijdvooreten @trishgreenhalgh Bron is, dacht ik, deze uit augustus https://t.co/1DBkngFT53
RT @yousitonmyspot: #Delta ist ansteckender als #Alpha, trotzdem hat man den Mindestabstand von 2 auf 1m reduziert - rein aus wirtschaftlic…
RT @yousitonmyspot: #Delta ist ansteckender als #Alpha, trotzdem hat man den Mindestabstand von 2 auf 1m reduziert - rein aus wirtschaftlic…
RT @yousitonmyspot: #Delta ist ansteckender als #Alpha, trotzdem hat man den Mindestabstand von 2 auf 1m reduziert - rein aus wirtschaftlic…
#Delta ist ansteckender als #Alpha, trotzdem hat man den Mindestabstand von 2 auf 1m reduziert - rein aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen, damit Handel und Dienstleistung mehr Kunden pro Fläche lukrieren können. #covid19at Virologisch natürlich Unsinn, siehe ht
Lugares de ocio ... inmunidad de borregos...
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in covid-19? https://t.co/tu3iNnRzKg @trishgreenhalgh
RT @trishgreenhalgh: CROATIAN, DUTCH (+ Dutch colour blind), FRENCH https://t.co/JqnTYDuTrR https://t.co/UJdW0u2q3e
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
Excellent visualization
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
Will choirs ever sing again??
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @Orla_Hegarty: #Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
#Covid19 Limit your exposure (Aug 2020) https://t.co/5TLZ2tJqcC https://t.co/fRlmNHPMg0
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in covid-19? | The BMJ https://t.co/tcsfS9778P (Published 25 August 2020) Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from asymptomatic people in different settings and for different occupation time
元の論文はこれか。/ Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in covid-19? | The BMJ https://t.co/vOjmSVIRoG
@Bestsurvivor @AP Addressing school safety without data -- here's some input on 3ft safety zone:
@baniyaghub فضای باز فقط احتمال رو کم میکنه https://t.co/KQZUhQUN9u
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
@Sonic_urticant @Le___Doc . Je pense que l'avis ci dessous est largement partagé et erroné. Si c'est le cas; nouvelle bonne parole à partager. Merci! ( https://t.co/5yyqmV0YDR ? )
@IXBen @franceinfo C'est inexact, les contaminations persistent. Cf le tableau dans l'étude ci dessous (outdoors, high, occupancy, speaking, no facemasks) https://t.co/5yyqmV0YDR
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @saqar_oman: خطر الإصابة ب #كوفيد_19 في ظروف مختلفة https://t.co/36sRDOhOQs
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
The rules may be changing (but the virus doesn’t know that).
RT @saqar_oman: خطر الإصابة ب #كوفيد_19 في ظروف مختلفة https://t.co/36sRDOhOQs
This. More than ever.
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
This diagram is everything most people need to know about COVID risk. Rennet, the virus acts like invisible cigarette smoke.
RT @AnGeLaUyEn: Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
خطر الإصابة ب #كوفيد_19 في ظروف مختلفة https://t.co/36sRDOhOQs
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
Ojo la mascarilla a la que se refiere es simple no respirador. Hay factores que no se tomaron en cuenta como carga viral y vulnerabilidad. Toser y estornudar incrementan el riesgo de exposición Aquí el artículo completo. Gracias @trishgreenhalgh https:
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Thanks to the many people around the world who translated our social distancing diagram into (so far) 28 different lan…