@JessicaLexicus General health advice: Eat whole plant-based - drop the animal products. Less symptoms for plants based eating. Low carb diets show the worst symptoms. https://t.co/Eqy8mjjh43 https://t.co/yEuQ6Ms4Wb
@Sheep_in_fog Hack. Eat pant based and avoid low carb diets. SARS leads to arterial hypertension as we know and going plant based is a no brainer for many reasons now. https://t.co/Eqy8mjiJev
Gli autori di quest'altro studio trovano un effetto protettivo della dieta vegetariana contro il COVID moderato/severo: 73% ! comparabile a quella dei vaccini anti-COVID e - se fosse vero - senza nemmeno effetto di decadimento nel tempo dell'efficacia http
@Sheep_in_fog It starts with infection where vegans have 40-70% less symptoms and low carb eater have it even worse than the standard diets - which is really hard to imagine. https://t.co/Eqy8mjiJev https://t.co/yEuQ6Mrx6D
@NPjpk @WeimarUni @therealchefaj Interesting data…. https://t.co/M0qkao1mRa
@KymGhee @Kate891618 @AdvancedTweaker Sorry, thought I linked it. https://t.co/bzAhexi5D1
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
This is great news! Plant based is so much better anyway
@germfreegangsta Hard to say what will happen with this flu, but research suggests that a healthy diet makes a pretty big difference in terms of COVID severity: https://t.co/5ehJqKwSgo
RT @Flohchen_19: In 6 Ländern waren pflanzliche o. pescatarianische Diäten mit einem geringeren Risiko für mittelschwere bis schwere COVID1…
@oekoforfuture @EckerleIsabella Ich denke, es liegt tatsächlich an der gesünderen Ernährung : https://t.co/MYJqu2Zbfr
@PeterMersch @EckerleIsabella In 6 Ländern waren pflanzliche o. pescatarianische Diäten mit einem geringeren Risiko für mittelschwere bis schwere COVID19Erkrankungen verbunden Diese Ernährungsgewohnheiten können zum Schutz vor einer schweren COVID19Erkrank
In 6 Ländern waren pflanzliche o. pescatarianische Diäten mit einem geringeren Risiko für mittelschwere bis schwere COVID19Erkrankungen verbunden Diese Ernährungsgewohnheiten können zum Schutz vor einer schweren COVID19Erkrankung in Betracht gezogen werden
@EckerleIsabella In 6 Ländern waren pflanzliche o. pescatarianische Diäten mit einem geringeren Risiko für mittelschwere bis schwere COVID19Erkrankungen verbunden Diese Ernährungsgewohnheiten können zum Schutz vor einer schweren COVID19Erkrankung in Betrac
@DieWaldgiraffe @EckerleIsabella Hier ein ähnliches Ergebnis in einer anderen Studie: https://t.co/LGKIEFoFcW
@DieWaldgiraffe @EckerleIsabella In 6 Ländern waren pflanzliche o. pescatarianische Diäten mit einem geringeren Risiko für mittelschwere bis schwere COVID19Erkrankungen verbunden Diese Ernährungsgewohnheiten können zum Schutz vor einer schweren COVID19Erkr
RT @VeganCardio: Die Ergebnisse müssen mir die Vegan-Kritiker mal erklären: Warum haben ausgerechnet Veganer:innen mildere Verläufe? Wir mü…
RT @hugopottisch: @MarkTrewick1 Too often, either you are ok with #vaccines but belittle healthy #eating - or the other way around. In th…
@MarkTrewick1 Too often, either you are ok with #vaccines but belittle healthy #eating - or the other way around. In this rare case, both can be and are true. Vaccines AND healthy diets both work. Not in absolutes but in meaningful ways. https://t.co/Eqy
@RogerSeheult Low carb / high protein diets were associated with significantly higher Covid-19 risk here: https://t.co/Eycgo0x5Mk https://t.co/MxVSSqxKbV
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
.@ChrisGPackham .@GeorgeMonbiot .@domdyer70 .@LewisHamilton .@billieeilish .@taylorswift13 .@PlantBasedNews .@vivacampaigns .@veganfuture .@hugoclement
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
I cannot think of a single bad reason to switch to a plant-based diet. Even if you don't give a sh!t about the environment, then do it for your own health! The collective evidence is staggering, not just in regards to COVID outcomes. https://t.co/96GHKCMKT
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
also the diet part of this is really.....interesting, hmm. everything really goes back to food doesn't it.
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
Might buy the in flight WiFi just to read these studies lol
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
Look at this! More reason to start shifting to a plant based or Pescatarian diet. You would "have less chance of getting severe SARS2"... I'm a pescatarian. This May, going on 3yrs I think. Still trying to learn how to do it btw. It's a process.
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
Fascinating. Thoughts? People who have looked into this more tell me what you think.
#plantbased rocks! 💪 #Covid #Longcovid
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
this is so fucking interesting
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
I have been a vegetarian for 8 years. This is interesting bc my first infection was asymptomatic, but I got severe long covid. When I got my first symptomatic infection a few months later, it was very mild. I was barely sick for 3 days. Tested positive for
@RogerSeheult You mean the studies shared in below reply to the OP?
This is interesting
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
@Karl_Lauterbach @C_Scheibenbogen @neurostingl
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
@7997Xu @boomersooners38 @Fatcows2 It very much echos the outcome of the study over 6 countries: https://t.co/NEdtRFATMz
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
RT @RogerSeheult: Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interfer…
Connect these dots: Plant based or Pescatarians have less chance of getting severe C-19: https://t.co/C7p5g506zb Interferon response inversely determines severity of C19: https://t.co/9j9Gq59pIp Interventional vegan diet increases interferon in subjects: h
"Individuals following plant-based diets & plant-based diets or pescatarian diets that were higher in vegetables, legumes and nuts, and lower in poultry and red and processed meats, had 73% and 59% lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19, respectivel
RT @RogerSeheult: @EricTopol Here’s more reproducible data along the same lines. Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severi…